We all know that NATA exam is conduct for architectural course admission in Indian architecture colleges. We also see how to prepare exam, how to crack nata exam easily, what type of syllabus is included for exam, also, some nata exam sample papers are avail here on kadvacorp. But here we discuss about NATA exam pattern or exam paper sections for efficient performance in entrance exam.
NATA Exam Patterns
So, nata exam basically have two parts. Part A for Math and Aptitude with multiple choice questions (MCQs). This part of exam needs to perform online. And, Part B is drawing based test that you need to take on A4 size drawing paper sheet. Here you need to know that, like other exams, NATA exams have no negative marking system. So, you can attempt all possible question without any fear of negative markings.
NATA Exam Part – A
In this part of exam, you get Multiple-Choice type (MCQ), Multiple Select type (MSQ), Preferential Choice type (PCQ) and Numerical Answer type (NAQ) types of 125 questions. And you need to perform in 3 hours’ time frame. This NATA Exam Part – 1 is contains 200 marks and each question will carry 1, 2 or 3 marks.
For math practice, it is advice to practice CBSE books with your general study math text books. That will sufficiently help in math portion of exam paper.
Aptitude Test:
This is a test of your GK. You have to prepare with various topics such as Architects and their buildings in India and around the world. Also, Speed and time with space planning, logical and reasoning ability questions, etc. Get the ideas about architecture terminology, 2D and 3D object drawings, their plans, elevations and sections, etc. Building material, Volume, Construction technology, current trends are also favorite subjects.
NATA Exam Part – B
In this part of nata exam, you have to attempt two drawing questions in 90 minutes. Bellow mentioned few points for judging your drawing skills,
Drawing Skills:
- Perspective drawing sense and technique.
- Proportions of 2-D compositions of given shapes and foams.
- Combination and composition of 3D elements to create building or structural form.
- Scale and balance understanding.
- Visual harmony of given proportion of colors.
- Drawing from day-to-day experiences.
You may also like to know more about NATA Exam,
The authorities have released the exam pattern of NATA on the official website. Knowledge of NATA exam pattern and syllabus will help the candidates to know details like the number of sections, type of questions, number of questions, marking scheme of the exam. Hope this article will help you in performing best as well achieve your admission goal in best architecture collages.
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