Amid today’s overwhelming work challenges, Alcon Lighting, an architectural LED lighting company, sees success with a test meditation program among participating employees. The trial has proven to reduce stress, increase productivity and boost health and wellness, including outside of work.
Alcon Lighting offered regularly scheduled meditation after receiving encouraging feedback from participating employees using the scientifically-based HeartMath method earlier in the year. In the spring, as a means of alleviating anxiety while addressing mental health, Alcon Lighting offered employees a three-part HeartMath Introduction offered by consultant Michelle Adams, which teaches techniques to empower the individual to regulate emotion in stressful situations. Having established the foundational orientation, meditation became a company staple. Eventually, Alcon Lighting introduced guided visualization meditation practices.
“My goal in meditation is for everyone working here to feel like a whole person with tools to manage stress and access a place within themselves of calm whether at work or at home,” said David Hakimi, co-founder and creative director of Alcon Lighting.
A recent study from the Future Forum, which surveyed over 10,000 full-time workers in six major economies, shows that 42 percent of respondents agree to feeling “burned out at work.”
Workplace burnout is an occupation-related syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed, according to the American Psychological Association.
A Cleveland Clinic study found that meditation at work reduces stress and boosts morale. Alcon Lighting’s meditation instructor agrees.
“Since introducing the methods of meditation at Alcon Lighting, employees have been able to use mindfulness of breath and an intentional connection to their body to handle challenges with more resilience,” said yoga instructor Sarah Mata.
The American Psychological Association states that for employers, failure to provide mental health and well-being support for workers may impair recruitment and retention of talent.
“What I enjoy most about it is having designated time to let myself de-stress with guided meditation,” said Victor Arias, an Alcon Lighting quality control employee. “Managing my stress, which helps me focus on the present, is probably the biggest gain.”
About Alcon Lighting
Alcon Lighting, Inc. was founded in Los Angeles in 2002 as an electrical supply company. Since then, it has become an industry leader in commercial lighting design and distribution. Co-owners Jake and David Hakimi trace Alcon Lighting’s integrity and commitment to adding value with top-quality products to lessons learned from their father, a Southern California lighting salesman for more than four decades. Today, Alcon Lighting combines these principles with LED architectural lighting design, manufacturing and distribution, offering a range of lighting products aligned with healthy working and living.
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